Friday, July 23, 2010

The Best...and Worst...Fruits & Veggies

Unfortunately, nowadays, we have to worry about pesticides on our fruit and veggies. Unless you buy from a Farmer's Market, or organic all the time, take a look at this list which shows which fruits/veggies are the best—and worst—when it comes to pesticide absorption. It will make you think twice!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Hi Everyone,

If you haven't already checked out my new website, please visit

This is where I will update you with what is going on in my life. I write for many different websites and publications, so I am not able to put everything on my actual website. This is the place where I can do that!

As you may know, I write for I have been working on a new, ongoing project for the GAP. Check this out!

I also write health articles for Check them out!

I hope you like my articles and website, talk soon!
